
    In the present day scenario, online casinos and gambling have become widely recognized sources of entertainment, generating income simultaneously. Unlike in the past, people are opening up towards gambling and leaving behind the conventional taboo. Even the developing nations are catching up with the casino culture, which offers an escape to the populace.

    Furthermore, the advancements in technology have resulted in the digitization of betting and casinos too. You can place bets in online casinos. The gambling culture is witnessing a pragmatic shift in its mode of operation. Due to their transparency and reliability, gamblers across the globe are choosing online casinos over the traditional ones.

    In African nations, people used to gamble away from the limelight because of its prohibition in Islam. However, this notion gradually changed over time. In Angola, the government has explicitly drafted some regulations regarding gambling, betting, and online casinos that have encouraged people to dive into this domain. If you’re a gambling enthusiast, then you should definitely try your hands on virtual casinos to play a plethora of games and trade in many currencies.

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    Angola Online Casino Sites

    You can access many digital platforms on which you can place your wagers in Angola. Before diving right into online gambling, let us look at the main reasons why you should prefer online casino sites in Angola:

    • Many casino owners in Angola use rigged machines to shell out money from gamblers. Online casino sites eradicate this lack of transparency.
    • Furthermore, there’s a limited scope of currency exchange as most of the ‘brick and mortar’ casinos play in Kwanza. Whereas, you get to choose from a wide range of fiat as well as digital currencies when it comes to online casinos.
    • Another reason why you should choose online casino sites in Angola is the instantaneous transactions. You can place your bets and get the winning amount credited in your bank account in a matter of minutes.
    • Also online casinos also save a lot of time. You can play several games without stepping out of your house and earn thousands of Kwanzaa. It is very easy to register on any online casino platform. On the other hand, you need to pay a physical visit to a casino and spend hours waiting in the queue. A wise man can easily pick a suitable option.

    Now that you are aware of the advantages of gambling on online casinos let us take a look at the points you should consider before putting in your hard-earned money. First of all, you should do a background check of the website on which you want to play the games. However, our professional researchers did it for you and we presented all necessary information about each casino here on our online casino guide.

    Apart from this, you can always check the reviews of the website here. In some cases, there are fraudulent websites that claim authenticity on their webpages, but online reviews in 1Casino1 present a true picture. Furthermore, it is suggested to choose the website with a lot of positive reviews instead of a website that has only a couple of 5 star reviews.

    1Casino1 was created to set you free from time-consuming research on your own and free you from a dilemma of choosing the right online casinos.  We are here to collect and discover the best online casinos in the world.

    The online casinos mentioned on our website are verified and cater to the needs of thousands of gamblers. In addition to this, people across the globe place their bets on these online casinos. If you are a beginner, then you should definitely check the best games that you can play on online casinos in Angola.

    Although there are a plethora of gambling options offered by online casinos, here are the 3 most widely played games.


    Almost every one of us has seen roulette in the casinos featured in various movies in TV shows. Since its inception in France, this classic game has taken over the world. In fact, the terms casinos and roulette are incomplete without each other in modern times. Every time the wheel spins, it brings many possibilities that have made the lives of many gamblers. Whether it is a casino in the middle of Las Vegas or an online casino in Angola, roulette is one of the primary choices of gamblers over the world, especially on mobile platforms.


    Blackjack is one of the classy card-games that almost every gambler has played at one point. This game has a rich history, which dates back in the 18th century in France. However, with the surge in the global popularity of casinos, Blackjack eventually entered Angola, and now, you can make the best of this classic in online casinos.


    Poker needs no introduction to gambling veterans and people who play card games. For beginners, Poker relies heavily on the skills of players and the probability of ending up with a good hand and winning real money. Its online version is gaining popularity amongst many digital casinos, and people are making fortunes by playing online Poker in Angola.

    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gambler, you should navigate the platforms mentioned on our website to try your luck and earn Kwanza.

    Online Gambling in Angola: Laws and Regulations

    Since Angola was a Portuguese colony in the past, wagers on football and bingo were popular right from the beginning. That’s why even nowadays many of Angola’s citizens are searching for Portugal online casinos.  With the passage of time, casinos started hosting many other games, including poker, blackjack, roulette, bingo, etc. Unlike other African nations, people of Angola accepted casinos and gambling with open arms. Gambling flourished in Angola, and the government had to interfere with the business to make the industry more systematic.

    The Angolan gambling industry is growing at a rapid rate since the past few years. This is primarily because of increased penetration of the internet, which allowed people to know more about casinos and stories of people making fortunes. However, because of the newness of this concept, the Angolan government is still in the process of redefining the conventional gambling regulations.

    The Angolan government has introduced the Gambling Activities Law introduced in May 2016 and the Decree 39-K/92. As of now, every gambling operator follows the guidelines set by these acts. Apart from conventional betting, these acts legalize online gambling in Angola as they cover lotto, sports betting, roffles, lotteries, and games dependent on probability.

    Instituto de Supervisão de Jogos is the main institution that supervises gambling in Angola. According to written laws, it is responsible for land based casinos. There are no defined regulations when it comes to online gambling in Angola. However, you can expect the development of more strict rules as the user base increases to a significant level. As of now, only ‘brick and mortar’ casinos and gambling firms have to follow laws made by the government. This is because the Angolan economy has considerable dependence on gambling and tourism.

    Even though there is no defined structure for online casinos in the country, it isn’t illegal either. Many people from other African nations find Angola as a prime gambling hub. When it comes to online gambling in Angola, you can try your hands on the online casinos that are operated on international levels.

    Although according to the law books, individuals under 18 years subjected to legal actions if they’re found indulged in gambling. This is a generalized regulation that is also applicable to online casinos in Angola along with other types of betting. Now comes the question that should you indulge in online casinos? The answer is – yes. If you’re over the legal gambling age, you can definitely place your bets in online casinos, whether they’re native to Angola or operate at the international level.

    As the online gambling industry in Angola is in its nascent stages, you can leverage this situation. Due to less competition, most online casinos in Angola are legitimate, and there are negligible cases of frauds. You can definitely check the casinos mentioned on our website to avail gambling services without fearing any legal actions.

    Gambling History in Angola

    Most of the games in Angola are heavily influenced by European culture. This is because of its colonial past. Games such as blackjack, poker, baccarat, sic bo, craps, roulette have their origin in the regions around France and central Europe. Portuguese bureaucrats carried these games to Angola and combined them with existing native betting that gave the shape to the modern Angolan gambling scene.

    As mentioned in the above paragraphs, Angolans gave a positive reception to casinos – both offline and online. Portuguese empire ruled Angola till the 20th century. They introduced sports betting and gambling in Angola under the colonial period’s Ordinance No. 517/70. Despite the nation being engaged in a civil war for more than 25 years, gambling was not affected by it.

    In fact, the industry flourished after the country saw signs of stability. Initially, people used to bet on football games and local sports. Bingo was another mainstream gambling option. As the industry grew and became one of the biggest revenue sources, the Angolan government formalized it in May 2016. Angolan casinos are famous for their slot games, blackjack, poker, roulette, and wheels.

    After the Angolan civil war ended in 2002, people started going to casinos. Post-2012, Angola became the telecommunication hub of Sub-Saharan nations, which directly affected online businesses in Angola. Thousands of Angolans have started betting in virtual casinos. During the third Plenary Meeting of the 4th legislative council, around 82% of members approved the proposal of gambling reforms. The parliament granted supervision of gambling to the Instituto de Supervisão de Jogos. This gave it the right to control online and offline gambling in Angola.

    Now is the right time to dive into online casinos in Angola. The casinos listed on our websites are trusted by many users, and you should definitely try them if you’re a gambling enthusiast.

    The Future of Online Gambling in Angola

    The Ministry of Post and Telecommunication of the Angolan government has shown excellent work in spreading the reach of internet and technology amongst the masses as compared to other sub-Saharan nations. As of now, more than 300,000 internet users are accounting for approximately 17% of the total population. This spike in the number of internet users has attracted the international gambling community towards Angola.

    Just like conventional gambling, online casinos will also see a gradual rise in Angolan gamblers. Many individuals are regularly earning Kwanzas through online betting. Furthermore, investors are also throwing in money for the development of online casinos to attract the natives. Recently, the government has taken some steps to govern online gambling at rudimentary levels.

    According to the current growth rate of internet users and casino enthusiasts in Angola, there’s a promising future in the online gambling industry. You can expect the establishment of a more stringent authority specially formed for regulating online casinos. In addition to this, many new laws will be drafted that’ll combine cybercrime with gambling frauds.

    Apart from this, the government might put more restrictions on gambler’s eligibility besides the legal age. Moreover, online casinos might have to include ‘Disclaimer’ and proof of legitimacy on their websites so that gamblers can verify the platform. Furthermore, if the government drafts regulations, it might also protect the privacy of users.

    Last but not least, the government can impose a tax on the earnings of online betting platforms. Just like the norms of offline gambling, online casinos might also have to donate some percentage of total revenue for welfare.

    An increase in the number of gamblers is an indication of a flourishing and reliable environment. In a crux, online casinos in Angola have a very promising future. Furthermore, the government’s indulgence in this industry in the coming years will protect the gamblers which is a good sign for the international community.

    Angola Casino Online FAQ (6)

    • Is It Legal to Play on Online Gambling Sites in Angola?

      Yes, it is legal to play on online casinos in Angola. Moreover, you can also place your bets on international platforms (like online casinos in netherlands, USA & UK) while sitting in Angola. The Angolan government has passed a bill that legalized betting and gambling (online and offline). According to the current laws, you can play games on online casinos without any trouble if you’re over the legal gambling age (18 years). Experts claim that it is subjected to changes in  the coming years, but as of now, you’re free to place your bets online.

    • Do Angola Authorities Allow for Online Sports Betting?

      According to current regulations, anyone above 18 years of age can participate in sports betting in Angola. This also covers betting via virtual casinos. You can rest assured while placing your bets because Angolan casinos are supervised by Instituto de Supervisão de Jogos. This institution supervises the registered casinos in Angola. Despite the absence of strict regulations when it comes to online sports betting in Angola, you can place your bets on the casinos mentioned on our website.

    • Is Online Gambling Safe for Angola?

      The absence of stringent regulation for online gambling laws pave the way for fraudsters. However, it is safe to gamble on online platforms in Angola. This is because gamblers choose the websites which are trusted by fellow gamblers and have positive ratings. Irrespective of the country and security measures, online gambling frauds keep happening everyday. In general, online gambling can be a safe experience if you choose a trusted virtual casino.

    • Are Bonuses Offered by Online Casinos in Angola?

      Bonuses and online casinos go hand in hand in Angola. You can find attractive offers that can give you a head start if you’re starting on a new online casino. Virtual casinos in Angola offer a plethora of bonus options such as a welcome bonus up to $1500/€1000, hundreds of free spins, and discounts on placing the bets. Many gamblers leverage these bonuses and earn thousands of Kwanzaa in their very first bets. To avail these bonuses, you just have to register on any online casino listed on our website. You can give yourself these bonuses in a matter of seconds.

    • What are the Available Deposit Methods?

      Because there is no legal provision, you are free to choose any deposit method. Although it depends on the online casino, you can select from credit/debit cards, online banking, cryptocurrency, online payment options such as Neteller and PayPal, etc. The only thing to be considered while exploring deposit methods is to look out for the deposit/withdrawal limits. Since this industry is thriving, you can expect integration of even more deposit methods which will also support international wallets.

    • How to Make Money in Online Casinos?

      Online casinos are one of the easiest ways to make money. Whether you’re sitting in Angola or some other country, you can place your bets with the help of a computer and try your luck and wit. You can bet on sports, bingo, card games, and roulette and make the most of your wager. You can try out the online casinos mentioned on our website to earn money in the game of probability.